
Wireframing allows for quick definition of content hierarchy. It allows us to plan the layout and interaction of an interface without being distracted by colors, patterns, or typefaces. It is an important step in the responsive process to define how the user interacts with the interface.


A fabric retailer with an underperforming website that lagged behind in-person sales in their brick and mortar location.

Programs used: Axure

Target users

Professional designers/decorators
  • These users know the fabric they are looking for and have accounts with major manafacturers. They are typically looking for a way to order smaller quantities while still utilizing their tax exempt status and professional discount.
  • Allow for robust account functionality to track previous orders, reorder fabrics, order samples, enter tax exempt details and discounts. Allow search by manafacturer name, pattern name, colorway for direct access.
Amateur home designers/decorators
  • Allow for more broad search capabilities including by color and popularity.
  • A Pinterest-like experience to create mood boards for redecorating and sharing.


The top level navigation was completely reorganized based on user feedback to separate by fabric type and usage. Sale and seasonal items were prioritized based on existing site analytics.

Product Category Pages

Search functionality was greatly improved by allowing users to search by: style, manufacturer and color. Progressive disclosure was employed to present the most popular choices first.

Product Detail Pages

Many users were unaware of available coordinating fabrics or alternate colorways. Both were included in product details, along with large images to allow users to zoom and see details. This was an important feature – to give the user a digital experience as close as possible to a tactile, in person purchase.

Bells and Whistles to Delight

A design wall allows users to pull their top choices aside into personalized boards. This puts users in control of their room redesign and reduces cognitive overload amidst the hundreds of choices on the website.